
Thursday, December 30, 2004

My first Post

Ok. So, finally, I decided to web-log afterall thanks to Bala who, probably, got bored of my mails, not to mention few others whom I have bored to *near* death with all my musings! Thanks to you all. What would I be if it were not for all your patience! :-)

Ok, I'll dedicate this blog to teachers or 'Gurus' (in the original sense of the word)!

All that we are is because we have learnt - be it ourselves or our teachers (parents or others). Our natural tendency to learn has been nurtured and developed by our teachers. They have laid the foundation to our learning. Each of us definitely remembers at least that one teacher who has encouraged us, chided many a time but has always been our well-wisher. I have wondered as to what would have been their motivation. Is it because one becomes a "pet-student" sometimes? Well, however, there are some of those teachers who are adored by every student. Something so unique about them. The only way to return their kindness is probably the gratitude that one feels. So, kudos and heartfelt thanks to all the teachers (the unsung heroes), for theirs is an invaluable service to mankind.