
Sunday, February 13, 2005

Good & Evil

Good vs. Evil

Assumptions....that "good" & "loving" characterizes something called "God" and "evil" & "hatred" characterizes something called "Devil".

What was good sometime back is not good now - it is so situation dependent. Ditto for what was bad. So, is there a point in saying God changed His/Her Goodness or Devil became an Angel!!! I mean, how does it help in maintaining our sanity?

Neutrality to good & bad is what I guess some people achieved. Equanimity and balance towards all types of situations, continuing to do their work, irrespective of the outcome, was what was achieved by the very same people.

Whenever I think of balance I am reminded of a close friend, who, after getting through CAT and getting an interview call (for regular PGP), remained calm (we were excited, not she) and started reading for her University Exams. To me, that calls for a tremendous sense of balance. It is relatively easy to ignore a bad outcome, it is rather difficult to contain excitement. Human mind tends to avoid pain and attach itself to pleasure - well, mostly!

If we look around, we can see people, seemingly ordinary, but giving us deep insights into an attitude that we can build for ourselves.

I guess, by classifying God, Devil as Good & Bad we are going into a seemingly neverending loop. Wouldn't neutrality and equanimity help us more than mere good and bad???

I recall Vijay saying the same thing a long time back - I guess, I can understand his point now.
Well....fact of the matter is - day to day life is full of good, bad, rights & wrongs. And, these are impermanent. What is permanent? Do not give me the cliched term called 'change' for an answer. Something should make 'change' to happen. What is that?

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Bangalore times!

Just because I did not feel like eating a seemingly boring food in the office, I went out to waste close to one hour. And, missed an important deadline at my bank. To add to my misery, a prompt headache set in thanks to the 'bang-bang', smoke and what not.

Increasingly, in our own India suddenly it is a feeling of alienation. Upwardly mobile Bangalore! I have mixed reactions abt Bangalore because I have seen its many faces - the sweet and sublime to the bold, 'upwardly mobile', 'happening'! I have witnessed an honesty not seen in other cities to do-anything-for-money here. It is really a wonderful kaleidoscope! I vaguely recall 'Bangalore is a farce!', told by one of my friends, a staunch pro-Mumbai person. On he went, 'It is dead slow, lethargic and what a contrast is it to see the determined faces in the Mumbai or Chennai suburban trains. The simple yet intelligent, determined faces.'

Bangalore has its share of simple faces - it is just that it is a minority whereas in Mumbai or Chennai those kinds of faces are a majority. Bangalore's weather is a plus point. It is not as crowded as Chennai, certainly not like Mumbai, though the traffic is menacing to say the least. It is cleaner, greener. But, the burst in consumerism is robbing it of its natural serene, calm beauty - something akin to putting cosmetics on the face of an innocent beautiful girl. So, is Bangalore is coming of age - and going to become more and more dirty, cramped like Mumbai or hot like Chennai?? Only time can tell.